Ad Litteram: An English Journal of International Literati
(A Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Open Access Refereed Annual e-Journal)
ISSN 2456 6624: Impact Factor 4.645
(The Most Trusted: The Most Excellent: The Most Onerous)
Ad Litteram Journal is a non-profit, international, double-blind, peer reviewed, referred, open access, E-journal. The greatest strength of the journal is its team which is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. The journal is a platform where the possibility of bringing the intrinsic reverberations extracting its throbs from the milieu all around to the extent of maximum potency is uncompromisingly materialized. The journal gives an open firmament to the ideational maxims feasible to uplift the literary sensibility and anthropological acumen of the world we inhabit and endeavours at cementing the unflinching edifice for it. The journal, thus, publishes critically examined and scholarly wrought out writings, interviews, book reviews on literatures emerged or emerging from across the globe. The journal also keeps some of the research articles (accessed from internet) having consonance with the theme of the annum on its page for scholars to have access for the purpose of designing their research output. The journal publishes the manuscripts after getting them reviewed once, but, if in any case, it seems required, the respective script may be sent for the second time review. This is what we mean by double blind peer review. Ad Litteram Journal (ALJ) is an online annual journal without any print form. The language of publication is English. The journal does not charge any processing fee for publishing the aforementioned. The quality consciousness is of the prime significance this journal takes supremely cognizance of and works on an open access philosophy.